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Adopt one today!
The universe is a strange place
Maybe we should all love each other
Be loved and be seen
The Magnus Arcives is a great podcast
fight me
I love a good horror story!
Old things are strange, they hunger not for meat or bone but of sacrifice and fear, holy in a way far more visceral and incomprehensible, eldritch horrors beyond all that is known.

who are we but lone travelers in a strange and vast world?
Name - Calypso/Nobody/Startouched/Nighttamer
Gender - Not found
Sexuality - ████
Star.Sign - The broken sun
Allied with - Sol system, Void God of mushrooms, Claudia and [EXPUNGED]
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About me
In this world, consequence cannot bear the harshness of catastrophe. Mistakes are given lighter punishments. Falling stars shoot through
I love this old web aestethic. So nice and cool. Also i love working on this little thing! I never was on club penguin or neopets, i was mostly a youtube and random wiki rabbit hole kid. I just loved searching the internet for obscure stuff, great times :)